Dispute resolution and legal representation

Dispute Resolution and Legal Representation at the Law Firm Advokát 21

We specialize in dispute resolution and representation of clients in a wide range of legal areas. The basis of our dispute resolution services is precisely targeted assistance to clients based on a thorough analysis of their situation with a sense for the human aspect of the matter. With an understanding of the dynamics of legal processes and court practice, and with an emphasis on an individual approach to each case, we provide expert legal services that guarantee not only the achievement of justice, but also the protection of our clients’ interests. At the same time, we believe that the basis of successful cooperation is trust and open communication, based on a genuine and sincere interest in the client. In addition to providing excellent legal services, we strive for maximum transparency and ethical standards in the provision of our services.

Dispute resolution and legal representation
Dispute resolution and legal representation

Civil and Commercial Litigation

In the area of civil litigation, we offer comprehensive representation and advice in all types of relationships, such as disputes arising from purchase and transfer agreements, breach of contract, work contracts, defective performance, damages, warranties and claims. In addition, disputes arising out of tenancy or neighbour disputes, which may involve non-payment of rent, termination of tenancy of a flat, disputes over the condition of real estate, land boundary issues, rights of access and use of property or conflicts arising out of noise and pollution.

In addition, we are also dedicated to the protection of personality and provide expert assistance against unwarranted invasions of privacy, honour or reputation, whether it is the protection of our clients’ integrity and dignity in the face of false allegations and insults, the unauthorised processing of their personal data or any other invasion of their private life.

Last but not least, we also provide professional representation in the business and marketplace. Our services to businesses are comprehensive, covering their needs from routine operational matters and setting up basic processes, including the drafting of terms and conditions, to extraordinary disputes in the area of unfair competition or trade secret protection, for example. In addition, we also offer advice on internal disputes, including disputes between shareholders or partners. Of course, we are also ready to provide professional assistance and representation in the field of consumer protection.

Dispute resolution and legal representation

Real Estate and Construction Disputes

In real estate and construction matters, we provide advice and representation in all types of cases, from simple neighborhood disputes, to issues of easements and servitudes, property boundaries and public road disputes, to complex and complicated construction disputes. Understanding the legal and technical aspects of these disputes is essential to their successful resolution, which is why we place the highest priority on understanding and analyzing each unique situation to provide our clients with the support they need.

In the area of neighborhood relations, we also handle easements and servitudes, land boundary issues, and usucaption. Resolving neighborhood disputes requires a thorough knowledge of local conditions and the ability to negotiate effectively with the opposing party, so we focus not only on providing quality legal services, but also on negotiation and representation to achieve a satisfactory outcome for all parties involved.

In the area of construction litigation, we handle a wide range of issues, including work completion disputes, defects in work, warranties and claims, protecting property rights in real estate, from agricultural land to residential units, or resolving disputes arising from nuisance issues such as noise, pollution or invasion of privacy.

Dispute resolution and legal representation

Labour Disputes

We also offer advice and representation in the field of employment law. Labor disputes in the workplace can be stressful for both parties and have the potential to affect not only the professional but also the personal lives of those involved. Therefore, even in this area, the foundation of our services is to take the utmost interest in the client and their unique situation, with the goal of providing professional services to help resolve employment disputes efficiently and with the best possible outcome for our clients.

We handle a wide range of employment disputes, including wrongful terminations, disputes involving working conditions, workplace discrimination, workplace disruption and employment contract issues. We offer our services to both employees and employers, allowing us to offer a balanced view of each situation and formulate strategies tailored to each client’s specific needs.

In the area of employment law, we emphasize the highest level of sensitivity and are committed to finding solutions that are not only legally correct, but also fair and sustainable for all parties involved. With an emphasis on professional ethics, transparency and open communication, we strive to ensure that our clients’ interests are effectively protected and promoted.

Dispute resolution and legal representation

Execution and Insolvency Litigation

A significant part of our practice also includes litigation and advisory services in the field of foreclosure and insolvency. We represent both creditors and debtors, and can therefore offer a wealth of experience in the field of debt recovery and the protection of debtors from the unfair practices of dishonest creditors.

We offer advice on all aspects of the foreclosure process, including options for defending against wrongful or improperly executed foreclosures. In the area of insolvency, we focus on the proper pursuit of clients’ claims against bankrupt debtors, as well as assisting clients facing financial difficulties and over-indebtedness, including debt restructuring or personal debt relief. We represent our clients at all stages of insolvency proceedings, from filing the insolvency petition to dealing with creditors and insolvency practitioners.

We understand that even foreclosure and insolvency disputes can be emotionally challenging and have the potential to profoundly affect our clients’ lives. That is why we emphasize a sensitive and discreet approach and provide expert advice that is focused on achieving the best possible outcome for our clients in their situation.

Dispute resolution and legal representation

Customized Dispute Resolution

Each dispute presents unique challenges, which is why we seek out-of-court resolution whenever possible, but we are fully prepared to defend our clients’ interests in court if their situation cannot be satisfactorily resolved in a less intrusive manner. Our aim is to ensure that our clients’ rights are protected and that any problems that arise are dealt with efficiently and with the best possible outcome, with an emphasis on finding solutions that minimise stress and financial burden for our clients.

Dispute resolution and legal representation

Trust, Understanding and Long-term Support

We place emphasis on building long-term relationships with our clients that are based on a solid foundation of trust, understanding and mutual respect. We firmly believe that these principles are essential to the delivery of successful and effective legal services. As a result, our clients can rely not only on our immediate assistance with current legal matters, but also on our support and strategic advice for the future.

Our goal is to be more than just legal advisors – we want to be trusted partners with our clients on their life journey, whether they are facing challenges or experiencing times of success. As such, we stand ready to provide the necessary support and expert guidance in any situation that requires legal expertise.