Family law

Family Law at the Law Firm Advokát 21

Family law is one of the key areas of our practice. We understand that family matters are delicate and can be emotionally challenging, which is why we strive for an approach that combines professional legal advice with a human touch and empathy. Our goal is always to find the best long-term solutions for our clients and their families, with a particular emphasis on the arrangement of minor children. Shortly after its establishment, JUDr. Novotný became a member of the Union of Family Lawyers, which brings together attorneys specializing in the area of family law with the aim of improving the quality of professional legal assistance in the field of family law, with an emphasis on professionalism, ethics and protection of clients’ rights. Continuous education and monitoring of new trends is a matter of course in this as well as in other areas. We are also dedicated to personal development outside the legal field, which helps us gain the necessary perspective to be a support to our clients in complex emotional cases.

Family law
Family law

Representation in Family Disputes

We offer legal representation in all types of family disputes, including divorce, property settlement, child custody, child support and visitation. We approach all cases with the highest level of sensitivity, discretion and context. We focus on finding and achieving a long-term solution that will leave unpleasant situations behind and allow family relationships to continue to function. Of course, we respect the privacy of our clients.

We emphasize understanding all aspects of our clients’ situation, the personal and legal dimensions of each case, which allows us to seek customized and effective solutions. We devote ourselves to the thorough preparation of each case, including the analysis of relevant documents and the preparation of strategies for representation in negotiations or in court. Our goal is to reach agreements or settlements that are fair and sustainable for all parties, with particular emphasis on minimizing the impact of litigation on minor children.

Family law

Divorces and Break-ups

Divorce proceedings can be emotionally challenging and legally complicated. That is why we provide expert advice and representation in divorce proceedings, where we focus on achieving the best possible outcome for our clients. Our goal is to navigate our clients through the divorce process, taking into account all aspects of the process – from child custody issues to property settlement and addressing all other legal issues associated with divorce.

In addition to marital dissolutions, we also provide legal assistance and counseling for unmarried couples. Even these break-ups can be complex, particularly when it comes to common property, financial obligations or issues relating to the care of joint children. Therefore we offer comprehensive advice to unmarried couples who have decided to end their relationship and help them to resolve the legal issues involved.

We work carefully with our clients to understand their specific needs and goals in order to formulate a strategy that protects their rights and interests. We devote ourselves to thorough preparation at all stages of the process, including negotiations, mediation and, when appropriate, trial. Whether it is a divorce or a breakup, our firm is prepared to provide clients with support, guidance and representation to make the entire process as smooth and stress-free as possible for everyone involved.

Family law

Property Settlement of Spouses and Partners

The division of joint property can be one of the most complex aspects of a divorce or separation. That’s why we focus on ensuring that the resulting solution is fair, transparent and consistent with the rights and interests of both parties. Our goal is to negotiate agreements that not only meet legal requirements, but also reflect our clients’ personal and financial needs.

We always emphasize our clients’ overall property context and the strategy that best protects their property interests. We also focus on the tax and financial aspects of property settlements to help clients find the most advantageous solution for them every time.

Finally, we always look for solutions that are optimal for both parties aiming for settlements to be reached out of court. However, we are also prepared to represent our clients in court proceedings if necessary to achieve a fair outcome. Regardless of the complexity of the case, we are here to provide support, advice and representation at every step of the property settlement process and our goal is to ensure a fair and balanced resolution that respects the rights and interests of our clients.

Family law

Priority of Children's Interests

In family disputes where children are involved, we place the utmost importance on their interests. We believe that the interests of children should always come first, and thus we are committed to finding solutions that best serve both the needs of our clients and the welfare of minor children. Therefore, we focus on ensuring the best possible conditions for the development and well-being of the children when dealing with issues related to child custody, child support and visitation.

Each family is unique and we always look for individual solutions that best fit the specific circumstances of each case. We are always looking for ways to ensure that the rights and needs of the children are protected while respecting the rights and interests of our clients. We believe that a caring and empathetic approach can achieve results that meet the best interests of all involved.

Family law

Sustainable and Long-term Relationship Solutions

We believe that the best solution to family law matters is to strike a balance between the legal requirements and the emotional needs of the parties involved. We approach cases individually with the goal of finding solutions that are sustainable and will lead to long-term harmony for all involved.

Where possible and in the interests of our clients, we prefer to resolve disputes out of court. We always strive to reach agreements that protect our clients’ interests while offering a fair and sustainable solution for all involved. It is also key for us to help clients set up family relationships for the future, not only in terms of legal aspects, but also in terms of their personal satisfaction, harmony in family life and functioning family relationships.

Family law

Caring for Family Property

We also provide advice on the management and protection of family assets and wealth. Effective management and protection of family assets are key to preserving and passing on values to future generations. Our goal is to help our clients not only protect wealth, but also manage it with maximum efficiency and a strategic approach.

In addition to the management of existing assets, we also deal with succession and wealth transfer issues. We give an advise on how to efficiently and seamlessly pass assets to the next generation while minimizing potential legal complications and tax burdens. We emphasize a personal approach and a thorough understanding of each client’s needs.

We believe that careful and strategic management of family assets is the basis for their long-term protection and growth, allowing our clients to pass on their values and wealth to future generations with security and confidence. Of course, we also collaborate with reputable notary offices and other professionals.

Family law

Long-term Cooperation Based on Trust

We value the importance of long-term relationships based on trust, understanding and mutual respect. We believe that these values are the foundation for successful and effective legal services. That is why our clients can rely not only on our assistance in current legal matters, but also on our support in the long term.

Our long-term goal is to be not only legal advisors, but more importantly, trusted partners with our clients on their journey, whether in good times or when dealing with life’s challenges. We are here to provide support and expert guidance in any situation that requires legal proficiency.